American History of the first 13 Colonies and how they became the United States
The Colonization of America and the fascinating events that led colonists and patriots down the Road to Revolution
Colonial America
Learn about Colonial America with simple, clear and easy to read articles that all have interesting illustrations and pictures. Read about the relationship between the monarchy and government of Great Britain. The Triangular Trade that was established across the Atlantic and the laws that governed trade in Colonial America including the Navigation Acts, the Sugar Act, the Townshend Acts and the Stamp Act which led to insurrection and rebellion in Colonial America culminating in the American Revolution and the Declaration of Independence. If you want to know what happened next, check out American Historama - United States History.
Early American History - The History of Colonial America
Interesting facts and information about the early American History and the Discovery of America and the history of Colonial America from 1600 - 1799 including the Mayflower, Pilgrim Fathers, 13 Colonies, Indentured Servants, Black American Slavery in Colonial America, Colonial taxes, Sons of Liberty & the Boston Tea Party. Facts and info about the British colonies in America for kids. Just click on a link for access to any of the following topics which all relate to early American History from 1607 - 1776 - the history of Colonial America followed by the Battles of the American Revolutionary War that ended in 1783.
The History of Colonial America
The History of Colonial America led directly, or indirectly, to many of the early Indian wars. European political rivalries and military conflicts spilled over the Atlantic and into Colonial America. English laws were introduced to Colonial America and the profits made from trade in the natural resources of America contributed to the wealth of England, France, Spain and the Netherlands. Tensions rose between Native American Indians due to the massive influx of English, Irish, German, and Scottish colonists. The early Indian Wars were fuelled by the newcomers to America sparking new conflicts with local Indian tribes and colonists for control of the land. Learn about the most important events in the history of Colonial America.
Colonial America Time Period Definition - American History 1607-1776
Colonial America Time Period Definition: The Colonial America Time Period of American History covers the start of European settlement with the Pilgrims from England landing at Plymouth in 1607 and the establishment of the thirteen colonies until they declared themselves independent on July 4, 1776 with the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence was a Statement of the Second Continental Congress that defined the colonists' rights, outlined their complaints against the British government, and declared the colonies' independence, which ended the Colonial America Time Period and this period of early American History.
Colonial America - English or British?
Colonial America - There is some confusion as to whether the early settlers in Colonial America should be referred to as English or British. To clarify, the colonists and settlers in Colonial America are referred to as English up to 1707 at which time the union between England and Scotland created Great Britain when the term British was used during this era of in Colonial America.
Colonial America Time Period
The Colonial America Time Period covers the time in American history from 1607 to 1776. During this period of time the settlers arrived from Europe looking for religious freedom, land and the opportunity for wealth. The newcomers were governed by the laws of the sovereign states of Europe which inevitably led to dissension and rebellion in Colonial America. We have compiled a comprehensive Colonial America Time Period History Timeline which details the a chronological list laws in date order that were enforced, the rebellions that were sparked and the establishment of the 13 colonies. The Colonial America Time Period covers 169 years. The Colonial America Time Period History Timeline is the fastest and easiest way to gain a full overview of the major events and people involved in the Colonial America Time Period.
Colonial America - The Pilgrim Fathers
Colonial America - The Pilgrim Fathers is a term commonly applied to the earliest immigrants and settlers of Colonial America. The Pilgrim Fathers, or Pilgrims, were members of a Puritan Separatist sect who set sail in the Mayflower bound for the Americas to establish a colony where they could enjoy religious freedom. The Pilgrim Fathers, or Pilgrims, founded the colony of Plymouth in New England in 1620, located in present-day Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States. The Mayflower Compact was a legal document written by the Pilgrims to specify basic laws and social rules for their new colony in Colonial America.
Colonial America - Early Colonial America
The Early Colonial America Time Period starts with the arrival of the Pilgrims on the Mayflower and extends to 1629 which started the Great Migration which was the mass migration of thousands of English people to the Americas that took place between 1630 and 1640. The Early Colonial America Time Period covers the founding and establishment of the first English colonies established in Colonial America, their struggle to survive and their conflicts with American Native Indians in Colonial America.
History of Colonial America - The 13 Colonies, Map and 13 Colonies Timeline
The History and Colonial America Time Period covers the establishment of the 13 Colonies. The English settlement of the 13 Colonies were located on the Atlantic coast of North America and founded between 1607 (Virginia) and 1733 (Georgia). The 13 colonies were Delaware, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts Bay Colony (which included Maine), New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York, North Carolina, and Rhode Island and Providence Plantations. The 13 English colonies were divided into three geographic areas consisting of the New England colonies, the Middle colonies, and the Southern colonies. Each of the 13 Colonies had specific economic, social, and political developments that were unique to the regions in Colonial America. The articles on this subject include a helpful 13 Colonies Timeline.
Colonial America - The Early Indian Wars
Colonial America - The early Indian Wars were fuelled by the newcomers to Colonial America sparking new conflicts and wars between local Indian tribes and colonists for control and the wealth of the land in Colonial America. Tensions rose between Native American Indians due to the influx of English, Irish, Scottish, French, Dutch and German colonists.
Colonial America - Indentured Servants
Colonial America - The system of Indentured servitude was introduced in Colonial America to meet the growing demand for cheap labor in the colonies. Indentured servants were contracted to work for a fixed period of time usually from five to seven years in exchange for transportation and a job in Colonial America. The Indentured servants were provided with basic necessities such as food, clothing and lodging during their term of service but they were not paid. Unlike slaves, Indentured servants could look forward to a release from bondage. The first Indentured servants in Colonial America were introduced by the Virginia Company in 1619.
Colonial America - Slavery in Colonial America
The subject of Slavery in Colonial America starts in England in 1562 when England joined the Slave Trade. John Hawkins, the first Englishman to take part in the slave trade, and many followed his lead due to the huge profit that could be gained. Slavery was common in the sugar plantations of the Caribbean. At first there was no slavery in Colonial America. The Indentured servants system was introduced but these people were given their freedom at the end of their service. The colonists started to produce tobacco in the colonies which was hugely profitable. To increase profits further slavery in Colonial America was introduced to provide cheap labor on the tobacco plantations. Twenty black African slaves were brought to Jamestown, Virginia in 1619 by 1790 Slavery in colonial America had increased. Nearly 1 in 4 of the population were black African slaves in Colonial America.
 | Colonial America African slaves working on a tobacco plantation in 1670 |
Colonial America - The Early Rebellions
Colonial America - The establishment and settlement of Colonial America led to many of the early Indian wars and some early rebellions. Political rivalries and military conflicts in Europe spilled across the Atlantic and into Colonial America.
European laws were introduced to Colonial America and the lucrative income from the natural resources of Colonial America contributed to the wealth of England.
The were early rebellions in Colonial America including the famous rebellion of Nathaniel Bacon (1675-l676), referred to as Bacon's Rebellion which resulted in the Declaration of the People.

Colonial America - Picture of George Washington during
the French Indian Wars
Colonial America - The Proclamation of 1763
The Colonial America Time Period moved forward to see the end of the French and Indian War, victory for the British in Colonial America and the Proclamation of 1763 and the establishment of the controversial Proclamation Line along the Appalachian Mountains which safeguarded Indian lands and repaying the Native American Indians who helped the British during the war.
Colonial America - King Philip's War
Colonial America - The King Philip's War (June 1675 to August 1676) was a bitter and bloody conflict between the Algonquian speaking Indian tribes and the English settlers of the New England colonies. More than half of New England's 90 towns were assaulted by Native Indians. King Philip's War ended in victory for the colonists almost one out of every twenty people in the region, both whites and Indians, are killed. Over 600 colonists and 3,000 Indians were killed during King Philip's War and Indian captives were sold into slavery in Colonial America.
Colonial America - Taxes imposed by Great Britain
Colonial America - The British colonists in Colonial America were becoming increasingly incensed by the demands made and taxes required by Great Britain. In 1764 the Sugar Act which was a Law passed by the British Parliament set a tax on sugar and molasses imported into the colonies. The Stamp Act of 1765 was a direct tax imposed by the British Parliament specifically on the colonies of British America. This act placed a stamp duty, or tax, on legal papers, newspapers, pamphlets, and even playing cards in Colonial America. Vehement opposition by the Colonies resulted in the repeal of the act in 1766. This was followed by in 1767 by the Townshend Acts which were a series of Laws passed by the British Parliament placing new duties, or taxes, glass, lead, paints, paper and tea imported by the colonists. The reaction from Colonial America was so intense that Great Britain eventually repealed all the taxes except the one on tea.
Colonial America - The Sons of Liberty
Colonial America - In 1765 the Sons of Liberty was formed. The Sons of Liberty was an an organization (a secret society) formed by American Patriots who opposed British measures against the colonists, and agitated for resistance. The Sons of Liberty was initially formed to protest against the Stamp Act but the patriots continued to speak, write and demonstrate against British measures in Colonial America until the Declaration of Independence in 1776.
Colonial America - The Boston Tea Party
Colonial America - In 1773 the Tea Act was a Law passed by the British Parliament allowing the British East India Company to sell its low-cost tea directly to the colonies which undermined the colonial tea merchants. The anger regarding the Tea Act led to the infamous event called the Boston Tea Party. The Boston Tea Party occurred on December 16 1774 when the Massachusetts patriots, dressed as Mohawk Indians, protested against the British Tea Act.
Colonial America - The Speech of Patrick Henry
Colonial America - On March 23, 1775 Patrick Henry delivered his famous speech in St. John's Church in Richmond, Virginia. Those who heard the speech were motivated to take up the cry of "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!". The famous speech helps to convince the Virginia House of Burgesses to pass a resolution delivering the Virginia troops to the Revolutionary War.

Colonial America - The Declaration of Independence
Colonial America - The Declaration of Independence
Colonial America - The Declaration of Independence was made declaring the US to be independent of the British Crown. The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776, by the congressional representatives of the Thirteen Colonies, including Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin who were instrumental in bring about major event in Colonial America.
Colonial America
By the 1770's more than 2 million people lived and worked in Great Britain's 13 colonies of Colonial America.
Colonial America
The history of the Colonial America for kids
History timeline of Colonial America
Interesting Facts and information on the Colonial America for kids and schools
Summary, dates and history of the Colonial America for kids
Colonial America
Colonial America - Pictures and Videos of Colonial America
Colonial America. Discover the the key years, famous people and events of the Colonial America together with the causes and effects of the war, conflict and battle. Pictures have been include wherever possible which show the battlefield, clothing and weapons of the Colonial America and their leaders who fought in the Colonial America. We have included pictures and videos to accompany the main topic of this section - The Colonial America. The videos enable fast access to the images, paintings and pictures together with the information and the many facts featured on this subject of the Colonial America.