Juan Ponce de Leon Facts

Ponce de Leon

Picture of the explorer Juan Ponce de Leon

This article on  the biography and life of Ponce de Leon provides facts and information about:

  • Who was Juan Ponce de Leon?
  • What was his involvement in the Discovery of America?
  • He sailed around the southern end of Florida and back to the West Indies
  • Life and Biography of Ponce de Leon
  • Fast information and interesting facts about Juan Ponce de Leon
  • Educational resource for teachers and kids
Explorers & Discovery of America
American Colonies Index

History of the Famous Explorers and the Discovery of America

The discovery of America and the brave explorers like Ponce de Leon who led the way for the early colonists

Facts about Juan Ponce de Leon
The following Fact File contains fast information about the life of Ponce de Leon. Interesting facts and an overview and description of the life and times and his involvement in the Exploration and the discovery of the New World leading to the colonization of America.

Facts about Juan Ponce de Leon

Ponce de Leon Fact 1Why was Juan Ponce de Leon famous and what part of America did he explore? Ponce de Leon was famous for sailing around the southern end of Florida and back to the West Indies in 1513. In 1521 he visited Florida again but was wounded by a Native Indian arrow, and returned home to die.  
Ponce de Leon Fact 2When was Juan Ponce de Leon born? He was born c.1460
Ponce de Leon Fact 3What was his country of origin and where was Ponce de Leon born? He was born in Santervas, Spain
Ponce de Leon Fact 4Ponce de Leon was born to a wealthy noble Spanish family and was well educated. He served as a page at the Spanish court
Ponce de Leon Fact 5Ponce de Leon undertook voyages as a Privateer, attacking ships belonging to the Moors
Ponce de Leon Fact 625 September 25, 1493: He joined the fleet on the Second voyage of Christopher Columbus. They departed from Cadiz, with 16 ships and 1500 men and travel to Hispaniola (Jamaica) and Haiti
Ponce de Leon Fact 7In 1508 he founded the first settlement in Puerto Rico
Ponce de Leon Fact 8February 23, 1512: King Charles V grants Juan Ponce de Leon a patent authorizing him to explore the Bahamas. He was given the title of Adelantado and had total jurisdiction.
Ponce de Leon Fact 9March 3, 1513: Ponce sets out from Puerto Rico with three ships, fitted out at his own expense
Ponce de Leon Fact 1027 March 27, 1513 Juan Ponce de Leon comes within sight of the coast of Florida
Ponce de Leon Fact 11April 2, 1513: Juan Ponce de Leon took possession of Florida whichhe named "Pascua de Florida" (Feast of Flowers) because they first spotted land on Palm Sunday
Ponce de Leon Fact 12Juan Ponce de Leon thought that Florida was just an island
Ponce de Leon Fact 13He obtained a second grant to settle the Island of Bimini and the 'Island' of Florida
Ponce de Leon Fact 14In 1521 he set sail with 2 ships ready to colonise Florida.
Ponce de Leon Fact 15Whilst building houses in the new colony on Pine Island Ponce de Leon and his party were attacked by a tribe of the Calusa Indians
Ponce de Leon Fact 16Juan Ponce de Leon was injured by a poisoned arrow
Ponce de Leon Fact 17He returned to Havana, Cuba, where he died of his wounds in 1521
Ponce de Leon Fact 18His tomb is in the cathedral in Old San Juan

Facts about Ponce de Leon for Kids

Facts about Juan Ponce de Leon
This article contains a short biography in a fact file format in date order. Fast facts and information about the life of Ponce de Leon. Who was Ponce de Leon and why was he famous? When did he explore the New World of America? Which area of America did Ponce de Leon explore? Read the fact file that provides fast access to interesting facts for kids about the life of this famous explorer and his place in the history of America.  

Juan Ponce de Leon

Juan Ponce de Leon

Ponce de Leon Facts for kids
The life and biography of Juan Ponce de Leon is presented in a short, easy fact file format that is highly suitable for kids. The facts about  are a fast and accurate way to gain a good understanding of the life of this famous man who played a major role in the Discovery of America. The facts include the major events in the life of this famous explorer together with important dates and details of his family. For additional facts for kids and information refer to the additional articles including:

Mercator World Map

The Exploration & Discovery of America - The Geradus Mercator World Map

Ponce de Leon

  • Life, Biography and fast, interesting fun, facts for kids

  • Life History Biography and fun facts

  • Fast Facts and info about this famous explorer for kids

  • The biography is a great history resource for kids

  • Social Studies Homework help for kids on this famous explorer

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